Dec 10, 2012

Why I Left the City Of Angels International Christian Church

(En español)

The description of my experiences has been divided into three main parts:

Part One, where one of the main leaders in the church bilks me out of thousands of dollars with lies and tricks and then threatens me (temporarily) into silence;

Part Two, where it it revealed that the lies go much farther than had at first been evident; and that going to top leadership (aka, Kip McKean) is useless,

Part Three, where Kip McKean and other leaders in the church threaten to try to destroy my family.

And finally, conclusions that can be drawn from all of this.

Please note that I have since left the City of Angels International Christian Church and its respective "Sold-Out Discipling Movement" and moved far away in an attempt to protect my family and our respective mental, social, spiritual, and physical health.

These things are far from pleasant for me to talk or write about. However I am sharing my story here publicly so that others can be made aware and in the hope that I can prevent at least someone from having to go through similar trauma or abuse.

Thank you for reading and for sharing these posts with others.

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  1. I am sorry about your experience with that church. I know I had to break down a lot of fundamentalism that I had either preconceived from myself and my naiveness or the environment I was a part of in Cincinnati.

    I am glad that you are blogging your experience, not in anger; but rather as a support to others in a similar situation.

  2. Hola, buen día. Después de leer su texto redacté un breve ensayo con mis reflexiones al respecto. Quizá sea de su interés leerlo y, si gusta, ofrecerme sus comentarios acerca de cualquier aspecto de mi ensayo: ¿Pureza moral?

    1. Gracias Marco, lei tu ensayo y esta muy bueno! Saludos!

  3. Por favor, sería bueno que postearas la historia completa, con sus tres partes, en español, ya que sería muy beneficioso para los que están tratando de saber mas de este grupo tan nocivo y no hablan inglés. Te puedo asegurar que son muchas y lo va a necesitar.

    Gracias por tu valentía y profundidad al escribirlo.

    Esperamos tu traducción! Gracias!!

    1. Aqui puedes leer la traduccion de la historia completa:

  4. Would be good to hear the other side of the story before jumping to conclusions.

    1. Your words ring true. Unfortunately, experience with Kip and the ICC show that they are quite willing to "bend" the truth shamelessly to benefit their own ends. In fact, this has taken place in the case of my story, with baseless attacks on my character on my Facebook page when I posted this blog there. For the record, I did my very, very best to describe events exactly as-is, and did not embellish or change ANYTHING. Sadly, all events are as described.

    2. If there is a repeated history of allegations that kip lies and is abusive then it comes down to two things: 1. There is a huge conspiracy against the man or 2. It's all true. I go with number two. He's more guilty than bill Cosby.

    3. Ed. You once told me you wish you never fell away, when you got restored and got a ring. Now your telling a different story. Which is it? You are you glad you fell away or not.

  5. Dear Anonymous 1/16/13 - The other side of the story from the ICOC Leaders most likely won't be the truth anyway. If you were a member of the ICOC, you would know that the other side of the story just doesn't matter. Members who eventually leave for being used and abused are NEVER right, and they are labeled as wrong, rebellious, prideful, arrogant, etc.

    1. Some people, many, will not learn until their souls are left in tatters by this malevolent beast in sheeps clothing. By then there will be enough new, fresh, untainted meat for him to claim and satiate himself upon. - Repented, former NYCOC member

  6. I found this blog excellent, great job, helps explain allot of the inner workings of a wicked mind control cult.

    1. Thank you Helena. We'd love to hear your story as well.

  7. Well if Your so smart why dont YOU start the One True Church that is going to save humanity from its Sins!

    1. Shut up half wit

    2. To Anonymous (April 25): Please, let's keep our comments civil and constructive. Those who are just escaping the ICC, or who may still be under its power, are better helped by love and compassion than by verbal abuse. They have already been abused enough!

      (BTW, if you look at that guy's page, I think you'll find that his comments might be just a little tongue-in-cheek.)

    3. He's still a half wit

    4. "I Love Kip McKean", Is that what you think Kip did? He started the "One True Church"?

    5. You love Kip!!!, he did not start the one true church, Kip started the church so he could live of others and not work, Kip is not a good guy, i know from my experience of him in the ICOC i left that church to

  8. No True Church will save anyone from anything, much less from sin. That is the work of Jesus Christ alone. Jesus saves. Get it.

    1. Thanks for posting, Cryptoreformer.

      (Cryptoreformer is a former member and minister in the Church of Christ who considers the traditional CoC to be a cult, the ICOC a super-cult, and the ICC a super, mega-cult.)

  9. Well shouldn't we speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where the bible is silent by baptizing disciples only after they show forth fruit worthy of repentance in their personal lives, only after they evangelize their apt. complex, after they tithe, then they are ready to receive the free gift of salvation by being baptize....hopefully they have faith but if so they're faith is dead until dunked, I mean baptized, in water. And if baptized before anyone you have to work harder to get right and get sin out of your life since.the sins of the previous person were floating around in the water and is now on the last person baptized. And that being the case in a few years they should be rebaptized as a disciple because the first wasn't valid. Why? Well if the sins of another are in the water and get on you's not valid.

    In fact we must have a perfect understanding prior to baptism and since it's so important may as well be rebaptized just in case.

    For that matter keep the standard high, crank it up more you should convert your mother before being baptized. And if that contradicts what you think about Romans ch. 4 and 5 then you're wrong...get rebaptized. That's scriptural, I know it is since it's a hard message because Jesus yoke is hard and his burden is so heavy you need multiple disciplers to achieve heaven. Well be blessed, here bro give me a close front hug. ---Clark, some spiritual porns. are trying slander and persecute me so be aware.

    1. Haha thanks for the ironic comments. Yes, what you suggest is pretty much a logical extension of what the church teaches.

  10. so after reading this and seeing both views one question I ponder on is what is the relationship between kips new group the iioc vs the older churches of christ that we was banned or left from?they both have a very big group in la,what is their view of each other?

    1. The ICOC does not want to know anything about Kip. The ICC is always trying to get back the disciples from ICOC to join Kip's new church.

    2. Unfortunately, in the money- and numbers-centric environment fostered by Kip McKean's leadership when building the ICOC and now the ICC, members are assigned value in large part due to how much money they bring into the church coffers (that is, how much they contribute to covering ministry lifestyle expenses.) Sad but true. Both sides want to win the war of pride, numbers, and money.

    3. To answer the Anonymous post at the head of this mini-section, the ICOC, CoC, and ICC are all separate groups in Los Angeles, with no co-mingling, and each one of the 3 groups will probably try to convince you that the other 2 groups are bad.

    4. Correction and FYI, ICOC does not speak badly about any church, including the newer fellowship (ICC). Our focus is on Loving God and Loving others and saving souls. I personally left ICC because of the constant "bullying, name calling, and slandering of other churches" not to mention a lack of love at the leadership level.

  11. i am not part of kips group,however it seems that he is going by the bible,it is a hard teaching and most people can't handle giving up their life for it,we as a people love being our own God. self centered focused on satisfy the flesh.It's hard to be a noah in a world of non believers,I pray each day to be in God's grace

    1. Anonymous I want you to know that my heart is hurting right now. I hurt for you and many others. I love God and am not self-centered, I am generous financially. I have had the opportunity of meeting people from your group and they feel I am not saved. But yet they will take my money and beg from others. I have watched some of these people ignore the basic needs of their children in order to give money to the kingdom. I am not talking tithing but sacrificial giving. Not paying car insurance, taxes and etc. God is a God of order not manipulation, and deceit. I pray daily for God to bring Kip to repentance and for your eyes to be open to Jesus and your ears the ability to hear his voice. For you to recognized spiritual abuse and help others to do the same.

    2. To Anonymous 1: The ICC goes by Kip's selective interpretation of the Bible, which in my opinion, uses such strong and absolutist language that it is a dangerous guide for living, especially when placed in narcissistic, controlling, manipulative hands like Kip's.

    3. Anonymous 2: Agreed. I remember one time when I was in an ICOC church under Kip's control and a lady literally did not have money to feed her kids warm meals for the week and was still guiltily giving her weekly contribution to the church. The leaders lived in a huge house in a gated, privately policed community, with two full-time live-in servants to help with their two kids, had two nice new cars, and were constantly haranguing the members to sacrifice and give more and more money. By the way, I never saw the church give the slightest help to that poor single mom or her kids who were sacrificing the tiny bit they had to help support the luxurious lifestyle of their ICOC leaders.

  12. thanks to all you ex icc members, i am (excuse me was) in the process of becoming apart of icc. i grew up pentecostal/nondenominational and in the past 5 or so years really started reading the scripture i also recommitted myself. when i had been going to the meetings i was told that being baptized in the past was irrelevant and a bunch of other things that i felt were kind of wrong, but i liked how they were disciples so that's why i was continuing. when it came to stuff about the holy spirit they were saying things thhat seemed true because they could back it up with scripture. since then i had two friends that stopped participating because of the same reasons and one of them was feeling like they are a cult and i decided to further investigate and found out about all of you guys and that did it for me. i know God was truly working on my side because i asked him for the truth, and i was days (this sunday) from being baptized and being a member, hey God works. and i dont care if they know my name, so what, come kill me, do what you want because i have all of you guys and my family and friends that can destroy the whole church if they do so. there is one thing i would like to state, i will continue to go to their meetings because i now know what's truth and what's not and i'm not scared of them. i want to do my best and bring people out of their church because the one i know is relatively small. I have people on the outside and will continue to have them as support as i go undercover and further investigate the church. Again thank you all so much for having my back God will truly bless you all for it.
    love your brother in christ,
    Harrison Franklin. :)

    1. HF, thanks for commenting! That's great that you were able to save yourself the endless headaches that I endured for so many years as a member of this group. Be careful going to the meetings, because they are experts in finding ways to convince people to bend to their will (the leader of the ICC, Kip McKean, is a true master at this.) Best of luck and stay free!

  13. Stop wasting time making up stories and complaining but rather thankful you have. been called into one body , go and congregate yourself where you will grow in faith and where they teach sound doctrine and everything that is commanded in the bible ...

    1. Welcome current ICC member! I assure you, nothing in my story is made up - sadly, everything happened just as I described it. And my goal is not to complain, but to try to prevent the same things from happening to some other unfortunate soul out there who may read about it and be successfully warned away. I sure wish someone had been there to help me avoid flushing away 15 years and $40k on this scam of a group.

  14. Let's wait for the Sold Out Sold Out Movement - it's coming soon :)

    1. How about the Totally Committed, Completely Radical, 100% Sacrificial, Totally Sinless, 100% Perfect Disciples of God Movement. Ha Ha. I wouldn't put it past Kip McKean. That dirty bastard.

  15. I don't know any other church that follows the bible as much as this one. when you follow the bible you will be persecuted. theres no other church I know that is persecuted besides this one. This church is the truth and it is not a cult. the more you call it a cult the more you make the bible alive and active

    1. Dude, wake up. The bible says that God is "merciful and abounding in love...patient, kind..." Jesus said "a tender reed I will not break". Kip McKean is worse than the Pharisees who "place burdens on people they themselves couldn't bear". Kip McKean does not have the love of God in his heart. He is an imposter and an angel of darkness.

  16. Its so sad such a typical brainwashed response

  17. Hi. thanks for sharing all your experiences. I'm a catholic christian. I was about to join this group. luckily, I' out of it now. but, my boy friend got stuck with this group.wish he comes out of it. which church do you think can replace ICC to keep me stronger in God's word and to bring non-Christians into faith? because, it's our duty to reveal the good news of God to everyone. how can we do it without a church"s support? please give your inputs!

    1. I'd pray for God's discernment and then check out non-denominational Christian churches that start their sermons with "Open your bibles to _____" and where you sense God's love and peace. People have some sort of (healthy) privacy in their lives but also lean on each other for prayer and encouragement. The message of the cross is preached and the word is the final authority. ALSO: prosperity and favor are NOT preached, but rather that Jesus is with us in every trial and tribulation molding us into his image. That's a church you want to be part of!!

  18. Who do you truly follow? People or God? The bible or opinion. You have a bible for yourself.....but to hear you persecute something that you obviously are bitter about sucks. Plus people are talking about them not getting baptized because of you. Them not living out scripture. That blood is on your Hands. Ezekiel 3 and 33. Read Romans chapter 1. Because you are not truly promoting people to not follow the bible. And it sucks to hear this anonymous person who is catholic. Read Ezekiel 18:20. And jesus was baptized as an adult not a baby. Plus she is living with her boyfriend which if its not by the bible, its probably sexually immoral. I was once there. But you should leave you parents only for you husband. Now Back to the topic. Its all about following scripture. And building a relationship with GOD. If you get caught up in titles or people or fellowship or money or bitter tithe examples. By the way its biblical that the woman with the two pennies gave them. OUT of faith. God will not be made a fool. So follow God. Through the Bible and stop slandering people who are trying to do exactly that. We are all sinners and without GOD we are truly wicked. NOW THAT YOU ARE NOT IN THE MOVEMENT WHAT DO YOU DO TO LIVE IT OUT......Did you go back to your old sinful ways.... Are you growing spiritually? I love Jesus I love God , i follow them, if the ICC contradicts the bible then its dueces. But my love and my dedication wont change. FOLLOW THE WORD. LIVE IT OUT. Stop slandering on the internet and putting peoples salvation at sake. IF you know the way. Please show me because last time i checked JESUS IS THE WAY AND THE ONLY WAY. so as it says in the bible IN 1 john. Live like jesus.....not like KIP or any other human

    1. NOOOO! call out the false from among you. If people don't get baptized in that corrupt church who cares.

    2. Jesus said anyone who live by the scribes and things that written on tablets and in ink will not inherit the kingdom of God. That's why we are led by the Holy Spirit the one who wrote the bible. ICC is false they still live under the law of Moses. Jesus said my laws are written upon their minds and heart

  19. I think the verdict has been out for years on cult leader, Kip McKean. He has notoriously ruined the lives of thousands of innocent people throughout the 1980's, 1990's and 2,000's. Kip is an instrument of the devil and has no fear of God. He will be severely punished on judgement day.

    1. The last time I checked, people ruin their own lives but want someone to blame. An instrument of the devil??? Sounds a bit extreme and not really Christ-like to call him that. It sounds more judgmental than anything.

  20. Amen to that. May Kip Mc Kean roast in Hell. And his always grinning wife, too. Looking at the website of the church I attended some years ago ,they are still works and not faith oriented. "We believe that becoming a Christian is a process of discovery, training, heart searching and takes time – not an emotional decision made in an instant". What about repenting and placing your faith in Christ and the Gospel? Not a word of it.

    1. Waht about the jailor who fell on his knees, about to kill himself when he saw that the prisoners were free? I am sure he was a bit emotional. WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? Believe in Jesus Christ. And he and his household were baptised later in the night. Haha!. I am sure the church would have first placed him on a training programm and some heart searching.

  21. Kip Mc Kean is a wolf in sheeps clothing ready to tear into anything that comes before him. He is only out to destroy and will be punished severely when Jesus Christ is coming back to judge the world. They are deceivers going from bad to worse. They even founded their own friggin university. Of course they are laying down their own standards about what the people have to learn and do to earn their ahem, ahem cough cough "degree". And guess who is the Master Dean - well you guessed right - Mc Kean himself. They are a sick bunch of people and not in a good sense. Study the word for yourselves and see that Jesus warned against false prophets leading people astray. We need to be on our guard against false doctrine and take a stand for the sake of our fellow man.

  22. I thank God every day for what He has done in my life. I was never part of the ICC, but I was in another ministry called the University Bible Fellowship that is hauntingly similar. Everything from the discipling methods to the comments of current members on this forum brings back memories ("Have you gone back to your old sinful ways?" "What are you doing to grow in faith if you aren't in the ministry?" etc.). It is, I believe, an aspect of God's will for me that I went through my time in UBF so that I can minister to those who are suffering from unbiblical discipleship systems.

    Please, those who are reading, pray that the Spirit would lead you to the Truth. The ICC is not a unique movement of faith. There are countless groups that teach and practice the same sorts of things, and they are all considered cults. UBF, the Moonies, the Church of Wells, you name it... believe it or not, it is possible for a group to be theologically orthodox and yet corrupted by human traditions of abusive shepherding.

    I have no doubt that there are many in the ICC who are genuine in their faith and their desire to serve God, but please understand that these dangerous aspects do exist. We as Christians need to be prepared to speak out against any work that is not of God. "True followers will be persecuted"--every group that I listed and more says the exact same thing. It is not unique, it is a common manipulation technique. Persecution is NOT the sign of true faith. What is? John 13:35. In love I am begging that the LORD would bring grace and understanding.

    I almost do not want to be too harsh with my plea, but I feel led to write the following. Do you think that it is by the works of men that God saves souls? The Spirit moves where He pleases. God saves whom He chooses. Our works are merely the "working out" of what God has already worked in. When we try to take control of other people through human efforts--heavy discipleship, coercion, etc.--we replace the Spirit. Do you think that the ICC has been successful in spreading God's Kingdom? It has done the same thing that every cult has done: expanded rapidly like fire and then frozen to choke those who should be growing in their faith. Oh believe it, God is working, and He is working outside of the ICC: you simply need to open your eyes to see.

    I implore you, do not let the traditions of men strangle those whom God would otherwise see growing.

    Thank you for this post. Christ be with you all.

  23. I feel like this church believes that they are the only ones who know the true way to become saved. I have gone through their discipleship bible studies, and everything they teach is straight from the bible, which is good. The thing is, they have a very narrow mind set on what a disciple really is, and how specifically one NEEDS to be made. To them, if there is someone who claims to be a disciple of christ outside their church, the ICC believes they probably aren't a real disciple. Which is very stubborn of them, because people outside their church read the bible, live as Christ did, and give their lives to Christ. They know what they are doing too. The ICC aren't the only ones who have figured it out, but they STRONGLY believe that. Which is bothersome because there are plenty of other churches out there who know how to make disciples and understand what baptism is. If you try to leave this church, or even go and visit another church while being a member of this will be wrong in their eyes because to them, they're the only ones who have figured it out.

    Getting baptized in the ICC was one of the more nervous moments for me being there. Which I feel wasn't the best for my experience. Being baptized should be something I should've been excited to do, and should've ran to do! But instead I feel like it was forced upon me. &after baptism, I feel like I gave my life more to this church, rather than god himself. I needed to take a step back, breathe...and realize i could have the relationship with god in an other church, without all the constriction of this one. I love god, and understand that Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins. I still live my life by the scriptures, just in another church, and you know...i still have an excellent relationship with god. &in this church i am creating disciples, people who are giving their life to jesus. Its a beautiful thing, and the ICC is not the only ones who know how to do this. I can't stress that enough.

    God bless all of you!

  24. May I ask how long you were in the ICC before leaving, When did it start to become apparent that it was feeling not right for you and you were questioning things? Was it hard to leave?

  25. How would you help someone else to get out of this? What did it take for your to leave? Do you have anyone that can speak with someone involved to share your experience?

  26. I too was a member of the icc. I thought that this group was okay because the people who got me there were nice. During the bible studies, I began to neglect my school work and once I got baptised, they had a grasp on me. This all began in the middle of my 3rd year in college(I am currently a 4th year in college). In December, I began to notice how they were controlling me. I always had to tell the leader of my group what I was doing. There was a time when I would be gone to visit my sister in northern California(I currently live in socal)and I was asked for how long I would be gone and if there was a church there. I noticed that they tried to convince me not to go and I should ask for advice. This was when i began to see something wrong. Another incident was when I was busy during women's ministry and wanted to focus on my school work. They basically forced me to go by making me feel that it's bad to miss "fellowship".I would tell then that i needed to focus on school, but they would make feel like i should be putting God first and not school. They made me feel bad when it came to asking people to come to out church. I consider myself a quiet person and had trouble talking with strangers. They made me feel bad when I couldn't get one person to come to the meetings. They would open there bibles and ask me to read the passages that would help me. Toward the end of my 3rd year was when I knew that this group was manipulating me. I began to miss their meeting and began to get messages and calls from them. I ignored them because I did not want to be manipulated again. After leaving, I felt a new feeling of relief and currently, this group has affected the way I see church and God.

  27. Why must the icoc know about my purity and faithfulness I'm pretty much loyal and concerned that I'm joining a cult like Tom cruise and his Christ scientist cult or like the mormans who claim they are real christians

    1. I was also asked this stuff as well and was told daily if I had something to tell my discipler that was "not letting me get close to god".

  28. I am so grateful for this post. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I was invited to this church but I just wanted to do some research before going and I found your post. God is a just God. God bless you and your family always.

  29. This is upsetting. We give account to God. The Holy Spirit convicts, not man. Shame on this pressure, self driven church. Remember this!!..

    “But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea.
    Mark 9:42 NKJV

    If these accounts are true, I would hate to be in the shoes of the leaders of any cult!!

    God gives you choice, and guides and molds you. He does not force or pressure. We are to be a light unto the world, God encourages us to love others but not conform to this world. That does not mean you stay away from your family or stop your schooling! Why wouldn't God want us to be a good witness in word and action, built up for God's use?? A cult is worthless, God doesn't force people, EVER!

    Be aware and be cautious always. My prayers for all in any cult. ��

  30. I would go broke giving the church sometimes 50% of my income. I was required to because of the 5 core convictions and those beliefs are not taught proor to getting baptized. They don't teach you whatdoesnt benefit them. I never used to read the bible until i got in ICC. I trusted they would teach me right. Instesd i was manipulated to believe their culture which is not of god. We are the one true chruch bt was Christ divided?No! You say i am not saved because i have fallen away. How dare anyone take gods place of final judgment?! I had to eat fast food full of preservatives just so kip can get his mortgage taxes paid? No thank you. You can keep paying his lifestlye if you want. Keep attending ICCM amd paying kip the president.why wpuld you leave your dreams to keep kip on his kings chair? Why can't you go to a Christian university that is accredited? Kip is the only one who was able to recieve a doctorate degree but it isn't available to any other members according to ICCM wevsite. It isn't included as far as options go.What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge, and so not make full use of my rights as a preacher of the gospel 1 Corinthians 9:18. All ICC has taught me was boadting on facebook and paying to be part of the body/hearing the gospel.

  31. Jim Jones without the poisoned cool aid

  32. The charismatic deceptions of Kip / Thomas and his smitten entourage of leaders that enjoy the power bequeathed upon them by their almighty McKean have spiritually raped thousands for past and ongoing self-gain, self-glory, and sheer materialism. The ‘flock’ has been their means to an end that continues to take advantage of the good-hearted, naive, and young. The fact that they can’t recognize the massive hypocrisies and sin in their own and unrepentant behavior leaves the motives of their heart in shambles, and until God removes that from their eyes, they will remain zealots to a cause that feeds their egos far beyond what a God ever intended. Just as God exposed the ICOC and imploded their efforts before, God’s Kingdom will not flourish in a house Kip is trying to anchor into his own shifting sand.


    1. I was a member of the icoc and a member of icc, I am a baptized disciple of Christ, although I strongly disagree with all the twisted teachings about collecting money for planting churches at the expense of poor people, And tithing that is no longer part of the New Testament, tithing collected by Levite priest because the lord ordered this tithing for they had no inheritance in Israel. However the biblical giving was supposed to be from a cheerful and giving heart, not forced and compulsive giving., God doesn’t want this kind of giving. The Bible says “ not to lord it over those entrusted to you”. Kip McKean however twisted this to meet his neaty greedy selfish ambitions regardless of what the Bible commanded and regardless of who goes or stays. At the end of the day they want their money bags full using ministry work as an excuse to cheat God’s people. He never gives back and if he did only because he wants to show himself to be this poor saint, and to cover over his greed, and falsify these allegations that rose against him. I know he is up to no good. There are lots of encrypted teachings in God’s word they cannot uncover because they aren’t spiritual enough to uncover them. In order to keep people faithful they themselves need to grow spiritually but unfortunately they can’. For they replaced God’s word with material things and worthless money. in order to help grow spiritually, what use baptizing people and then seeing everyone hurt and stuck spiritually and eventually leave the church, obviously somebody isn’t doing his job. After understanding some of the encrypted messages I came to recognize that kip’s Intentions aren’t really God’s Work. I can’t believe the things I used to tell myself in order to sedate over these. After awhile I realized I just couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I was manipulated with all sorts of things, being prideful, arrogant and unwilling to repent. Robbing God is their motto, using Old Testament scriptures “ you rob me of your tithing”. And few other scriptures they use to manipulate people with., I’m just sorry for all the disciples out there that had endured these horrible experiences from the so called leaders., I’m sure many are looking for a church that doesn’t compromise God’s word for selfish reasons., if all of you disciples out there will come together I’m almost 100% certain that Kip McKean and all the like will be left out of business., I’ve seen disciples travel back and forth between icoc and icc because they need God., I hope after this blog someone will start gathering these disciples and all those who are in spiritual needs and are still faithful in their hearts to god.

    2. Is it true that disciples in the icoc rape and molest women and children if so can we all get away from this kray kray cult

  33. I have left icoc then I left icc, the problem was I knew there was a problem from the beginning, the Bible talk leaders and those who are on payroll are kip’s Dogs they are unleashed to collect the money, they expect every body to tith even if you lost your job, accusing people of robbing God all the time, they use the word of God opposite to what it says and what it means, it’s a hard core insane, I know that they know that about these teachings are wrong, but the fact they are on payroll their jobs are hassle free, they don’t want to lose that. So they fight with their heart and soul to get the money from everyone.

  34. What does the Bible say is the true church where we are called out of all others?

    Revelation 14 6-12, especially
    "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS of God, and the FAITH OF JESUS."

    Revelation 19:10
    "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the TESTIMONY OF JESUS is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY."

    Come out of anything else and join those who have an ear and hear.

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