Apr 16, 2014

Anti-ICC YouTube Channel

There have been some new YouTube videos popping up which target the International Christian Church.

One channel, called ICC Cult Information, features short anti-cult messages about the church. Here is a one-minute video from there:

As time goes on, there will be more and more stories by former members describing abuse and wrongdoing by Kip's leaders, just like it was with Kip's last church, the ICOC. You have heard it before, and will hear it again: nothing has changed about Kip or his ministries. (At the least, nothing has changed for the better - it was only recently that Kip set up a sham religious school and awarded himself a fake doctorate.)

Update: Here is another anti-ICC YouTube channel with a bunch of videos by a former member of the London International Christian Church talking about his experiences.

A quote from a video there: "You know it's kind of embarrassing, I mean, that's why most people don't say anything, because you sort of think, that was a bit of stupid thing to do, wasn't it, get involved in a cult."

Yet, those who operate these groups are professionals at convincing people, the good-hearted people who want to do what is right - that is how they got me. They used expert emotional manipulation that I had never before encountered and was not in a position to recognize.

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  1. Any of the ICoC and ICC Churches are cults. They believe that baptism, rather than the Blood of Jesus and the imputed righteousness He bestows upon the believer, saves you. Pure heretical teaching. Also they use a corrupted version of the Bible, and not the Authorized (King James) Version 1611 Bible. Those corrupted texts give a distorted works based teaching that is contrary to the teachings of Jesus. Enough said.

    1. Whether their doctrine is right or not, I personally care more about the lives they are damaging, money they are extorting, and lies they are telling to control people.

    2. i attended and was a member and lived with the disciples household. i could only take about a year of the bullshit. i put my all into the church and still yet kept an eye on the people. too much fishy business with ICC

    3. Congratulations on getting out! I wish I had been so lucky as you to have seen through the sham in just one year. I gave my everything for 15, long, wasted years. Yet even one day is too long to waste being controlled, manipulated, and sucked dry financially and emotionally in a cult.

    4. I've extensively studied church history, theology, church doctrine, secular history, ect. Kips "doctrine" is terribly off in so many ways- just like every other man-made doctrine since the reformation... i encourage you all to study your bible and the abovementioned subjects and follow where all the evidence points.


    5. Although two years delayed, I find it amusing this person fails to see what the Bible's crystal clear explanation of what baptism is. Meh....

  2. who exactly "authorized" the King James of 1611? God???

    1. Welcome, current ICC member!

    2. Thank you......I am reading with much anticipation for something new. Unfortunately, all you can do is continue to regurgitate the same story over and over and over again. (its a cult, the finances, lies...or my favorite...it's MIND control!) At what point do you just stop and go live your life? It's OBVIOUS you don't like the guy! Go my child, be free........i give you permission!!!........ but, until that happens, i will continue to be amused.

    3. You spending time reading here suggests that you have some doubts and are looking for some answers. I'm sure you can understand the hypocrisy involved when Kip and the ICC leadership leans so heavily on every member to give every last little bit possible, only to turn around and spend it on luxury lifestyle expenses for themselves. And you don't care about lies? I encourage you to research a bit about mind control and then tell me what you found out. Remember that those who are under it's control are unable to perceive it. All you feel is guilt or fear if you don't do what they expect of you.

    4. I guess i don't see it the way you do. Im in leadership with ICC.....ive been a disciple for 24 years now, and have led in 5 different churches. Please help me to see the "luxury lifestyle" I'm missing. Things here in LA are a little more expensive than in other cities...$650,000 for Kips place is not that much money! Please......I rent a house that would sell for double that, and its not that nice of a place! ITS JUST CALIFORNIA....oh, btw, Kip bought his place as a foreclosure. A piece of information that never seems to make its way out. So, as you can tell.....he wasn't looking to "stick" it to anybody. its by no means a lavish lifestyle. I have certainly made a lot more in past years with my own business. Trust me, I have no doubts about what we are doing.....I just feel sorry for all of you because you can't move on....

    5. So tell me, current ICC leader, Kip recently said that the ICC offers the world it's "only hope." That begs the question, how many people on this planet do you believe are currently hell-bound? I know when I was a member there in LA with you we believed that 99.99999% of the world was "lost" and headed to hell if we did not save them by adding them to Kip's group.

  3. These videos are funny.......Stupid actually.

  4. Yes those youtube channels are everywhere ;-) as an exmember of the London ICC I did one myself to tell my side of the story

    1. Channel has moved. Please repost link

  5. hello.

    i am a former ICC member. This blog is totally on point about these churches. i confirm everything but i didnt experience any rape or sexual abuse I only attended for 2 years until I noticed how wrong this church is. The only reason I stayed involved so long was because I was forgiving over and over again. But nothing was changing, that when i noticed this church is total BS. This entire Church is held together by peoples true original belief in God and the word, and the manipulation of the scriptures the so called chosen leaders by God use against the early recruits.

    kip has stole bible versus and concieved his own bible as a way to get saved similar to a how to book to get to heaven and be right with god. the church is a legalistic christianity church. works is what saves you.

    i felt as if i was in highschool again. if i didnt follow the leader and belief exactly what the leaders are manipulating others to believe then you are treated as you dont exist. unlike most of the members I stood up for what i trusted the bible was telling me.

    this church has cliques that dont let you in and join the convo . usually becauase you are what they are gossiping about. especially if your a person that doesnt do what the leader tells you.

    ICC is manipulating members into giving ten percent so that your sin can be forgiven. also telling leaders your sin, and your leaders prayer, will heal your sin.

    i can write a book about all the bulshit in this group that sole purpose is to get individuals money, another thing is they dont do anything with the money for the members. no paid for events to payed doctor bills no encouragement no building to have seevice in that will remain so that your children can attend. every church uses your house or uses a college room because colleges is there biggest recruit area. then they use the student to for a college group so that they can have rent free church. while are youe money is going to some other church that you dont know about.

    1. Thanks for commenting! Yep, there is always a constant pressure to bring so many thousands of dollars every week, and basically all of the money goes to the ministry staff one way or another. It's like a bottomless pit of money and everything is set up to control the members, the pretense being that it is for the members' benefit, but at the end it is always for the ultimate benefit of the leaders - and not even the low-level leaders, but the very top leaders. The longer I was in, the more I realized how profoundly and irreversibly corrupt the whole system was. It broke in the ICOC and hopefully it will break even faster in the ICC.

  6. I foolishly allowed myself to get caught up in this cult when I was pregnant. My son's father told me he wanted to go back to church. I was like cool, I'll go with you. These ppl made me give up my apt to live with a group of women. They broke up my relationship. Encouraged my son's father to date other women in the church while I was pregnant. We had to be chaperoned everywhere we went, even doctor appts. In order to be together we ran off and got married. Because they had no control over how we did it they were angry we got married. I was too done with them. I haven't been a member of a church since. I can worship in my home, forget that mess.

    1. Thanks for commenting! I'm glad that you were able to get out. Isn't it amazing how after all this time the sting is still there (I can completely relate!) Being controlled is no fun, and this group is all about controlling people, supposedly for the people's benefit, but ultimately for the benefit of the church leadership.
