Feb 27, 2013

KipMcKean.com And Church Bullying

I'm starting to recognize a pattern here. So sad that it took me as long as it did to connect the dots.

Did you ever see the website KipMcKean.com? A former member of one of Kip's churches set it up to give the public information about Kip's controversial ministry and the story of the churches that he leads. That is, until Kip and his agents bullied the site owner into turning over the domain to the church so that they could use it as a propaganda tool. This is great for the church because all of the links that used to go to the objective website, KipMcKean.com, now lead to the propaganda website that Kip controls at the same address. So most Google searches that had previously lead to accurate, objective, and true information about the church, now lead to rosy-colored, "official," church-sponsored propaganda.

Kip used a bullying tactic to seize the domain, including legal threats like this letter, written, by the way, by a former roommate of mine.

Here is a link to some more of the documentation of the church bullying related to the takeover of the KipMcKean.com website.

(Church members, remember that when you give money to the church, some of it is used by the church to take actions like this. Although probably not much of the money, because the church typically gets its members to work for free. You know, unless you are one of the top, full-time leaders, in which case you are very well financially compensated.)

These kind of heavy-handed techniques drive people away and can turn people who would otherwise be ambivalent or even friendly towards the church into strong critics. I can relate to this because I endured years of bullying by Kip's right-hand man, which led to and culminated in me being bullied multiple times by Kip McKean himself. Bullying that Kip has, of yet, neither repented of nor apologized for.

Kip's agents even continued to bully me since I left the church, trying to silence and discredit my story. Trying to assassinate my character on my Facebook page. People who I had thought were my friends and who cared more about the truth have been revealed as loyal to Kip and the church instead of to the truth.

And we all saw how this show turned out last time, when Kip's former fellowship melted down completely in 2000-2003 and booted him and his tactics out the back door.

Well, no more.

I will no longer silence myself for the benefit of this man. And I hope that many others will also stand up and be heard. How many thousands of victims in other organizations suffered in silence while tens of thousands more were being abused every day?

Let us end bullying on our playgrounds, in our homes, and in our churches. Bullies, please stop. And the bullied, stand up and be counted.

Update: I was remiss in not including the bare link to the new home of KipMcKean.com. The content was moved to SpiritualPornography.com. (Note: "spiritual pornography" is a term used by Kip McKean to refer to criticism of the church. The site has absolutely nothing "pornographic", sexual or nudity-related, and is 100% safe for work and family consumption.)


  1. Thank you for continuing to post here. Supporters of this church like to complain that online accounts by ex-members are all from the past, and that they've changed. Your experience prove them to be the liars that they are.

    1. Thanks for posting. I agree, those at the very top of the church hierarchy lie. However, I think that most of the "rank and file" members are merely misinformed, and simply repeat what they have been told by those above them.

  2. I can completely relate to the bullying and having people in City of Angels Church attempt to discredit me. Honestly it fuels my fire... I will keep posting because people need to know what they are getting into. Love from http://healthymama.net

    1. Thanks for visiting Healthy Mama! And for what it's worth, I'd believe you over Kip or the other church leaders any day of the week :)

  3. Replies
    1. I know, crazy stuff right? I've been out for a couple years now and am still stumbling onto dirt about the church and Kip that startles me. Thanks for commenting.

    2. you should get a hold of Henry Kriete. He is dong a lot of good since boldly confronting the arrogance of Kip McKean on our behalf...

      ICOC member

    3. (To Anonymous, April 26): I have heard his blog is good although I have not taken the time yet to go through it in depth. I'm certainly grateful for his epic letter. I think many people are waiting to see who will be the next "Henry Kriete" of the International Christian Church

  4. My husband has recently been "restored" (rejoined) to Kip's church. They convinced him that he's been separated from God (therefore going to hell) even though he faithfully attended and served in a Christ centered church in our local community after leaving the ICC. His decision to rejoin this group has caused a severe rift in our marriage. In the beginning, I tried to be as supportive as possible. However, after witnessing the church's unyielding control over its members in all areas of their lives (time, finances. relationships, work, school, etc.) I can no longer, in good conscience, support his involvement. It is incredibly heartbreaking to read (and also hear first hand) the stories of spouses, family members, and friends who have and are experiencing the same destruction in their own relationships with current ICC loved ones.

    1. Thanks for commenting, and I hope the situation improves for you. As a word of encouragement, please do remember that most people do eventually leave Kip's church. Especially, in my experience, married guys whose wives are not members. Don't quote me on this, but your husband will probably not be a part of the church for long, especially if you stand by his side and patiently whisper reason into his ear.

    2. How is your husban doing? I hope you are hanging in there. The ICC has never been persecuted for righteousness, but for stupidity. That stupidity is rooted in a inaccurate view of God that they are blind to because they are too busy with their own agenda. Kip is a victim of his own pride and thus has become an arrogant fool. A fool the bible speaks of as one who is morally deficient. Your husban will have to learn the way most of us did who were in denial: through painstaking trials of surviving the church. Don't let this people define what Christianity is or who God is. Please don't give up on God because of them.
